Written : About there pattern do not follow Old paper pattern.
Paper had 5 sections :
- Sec I ? English(very easy, 4-5 vocab, grammar, sentence completion, RC)
- Sec II ? Aptitude(10 ques on Venn diagram, 2 on probab,5 on multiplication and Division)
- Sec III ?Mental Ability(very simple, try to score 10/10
Example: – 1234.5678 1234.5678 1234567.445 u need to tell all three are similar, none are similar, 2 r similar, 1 Q(5 sub ques) on conditions given and u need to select candidates on various criteria )No practice required for this.Sec IV ? C questios (do pointers(not in too depth),malloc,calloc,structures,for,ifloops very well)
Sec V ? C++(virtual const and destr, templates, access specifiers, OOPS concepts, virtual functions)
GD : They do not look how relevant u speak they only look u can shout or not so please speak if u want to clear this round.
HR Interview: Its very simple if u satisfy eligibility criteria and know something about ACCENTURE you will clear it.
Technical + Final Interview :They ask everything regarding ur project and some technical(C,C++) and HR question. If u r in final round this means u r almost in.
ACCENTURE in every stage looks how much ur confident in communication. If ur a good communicator then ur sure to clr the Intr rounds.
There are 5 rounds in Accenture. I have appeared for Java, J2EE in 3+ years experienced category.
1. Technical Test (35 Multiple Choice Questions, 35 minutes)
2. Group Discussion
3. Technical Interview
4. HR interview
5. Program Manager Interview