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BSNL Syllabus & Question Paper

BSNL Telecom Technical Assistants (TTAs) Syllabus and Question Paper

(A Government of India Enterprise)
O/o CGMT Gujarat Circle, Ahmedabad: 380 006.

(a) There shall be only one Paper of multiple choice objective type of three hours duration as per syllabus with the following details:
Part Marks
Part- I General Ability Test 20
Part- II Basic Engineering 90
Part- III Specialization 90

(b) Total number of Questions in the paper would be 200 and each question shall carry one mark.

(c) The standard of paper in General Ability test will be such as may be expected of an Engineering Diploma holder. The standard of papers in other subject will approximately be that of Diploma level of an Indian Polytechnic. In the Specialization Part-III, a candidate has to attempt a common set of questions from the consolidated syllabus prescribed under Specialization Part-III.

Minimum qualifying standards: BSNL may fix at its discretion minimum qualifying marks for each part as well as in the aggregate. Candidates obtaining less than minimum-qualifying marks in any of the parts or in aggregate shall not be considered for inclusion in the merit-list. BSNL reserves the right to change the number of vacancies of TTAs.

The appearance of the name in the merit-list does not confer any right on the candidate for employment. A final call letter/ appointment letter will be issued to the candidate after completion of all other formalities.
No request for revaluation of answer books shall be entertained under any circumstance.

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