HI, I am Adapa Chandra Sekhara Reddy . This is my best experience with CTS.
written test pattern: In written test 3 sections r there
Section1: 25 marks verbal reasoning
Section2: 25 marks analytical reasoning
Section3: 20 marks on logical reasoning(in this mainly they give 5 marks on CUBES,5 marks on ODDMAN OUT,5 marks on DEDUCTIONS etc………..)
me: good afternoon sir
int: good afternoon sir take ur seat
int: tell me good name pleaze
me: chandra sekhara reddy
int:ok mr chandra sekhara reddy i will call u chandu,is there any ploblem with this name,other wise i will call chandra or sekhar.he ask me choose one of these.
me:with smile i tell him call me chandu sir.
int:I am also liking chandu
int :tell me some thing about ur self chandu
me: ans to that question
int: ok chandu tell me some thing of ur family background
me: ans that question ,next he was come technical side
int : what is zenor diode
me: ans to that question
int: what is avalanch breakdown voltage
me i say i dont know sir
int : what is interrupt
me: ans ti that
int : how the proirity given to these interrupts
me ans that question
int : who give the proirity
me: ans to that also
int: what is process
int: what is thread,difference between process and thread
int: is there any possibility of multiple processes in a single thread
me : i ans to all these questions
int:: what difference between c and cpp
int: what r the object oriented programming properties
int: what is inheritance,and explain with one practical example
int: what is functin overloading
int: he give one program,ask me this program is functin overloading or not
int: he give me one program on operator overloading
int: he ask me write a program on bubble sorting
int: what is the difference b/n bubble sort and shell sort
int: write a program on insertion sorting.
me: ans to above all questions
int: what is presently going in IT industry
me: ansered to this question HE really impressed
me: finally i ask 5 questions to the interviewer
He really impressed with that questions.ans to that questions very well manner. finally interview is over. results r displayed at night 12. i was selected .i am very very happy to got the job
ADAPA Chandra Sekhara Reddy