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CBIT Hyderabad Honeywell Written Test 23rd Jun

23rd June Honeywell written test in CBIT, Hyderabad. The eligibility for the written test was only 70%+ in B-tech.

Cutoff: 70%+ in B-tech

Selection Procedure:

Written test (overall cutoff is 52 marks and no negative marking)
1 HR interview
2 technical interviews

Paper Pattern

100 questions : 100 minutes.

There was no verbal or verbal reasoning and any GDs

Some questions I remember:
1) A relation to be in 3rd normal form is in _ normal form
2) How can u increase ports of a microprocessor? (8251,8255,8253 and 1 more option)
3) What is 8253?(USART,DMA,programmable interrupt controller and one more)
4) 8255?
5) How many bits microprocessor was first developed?(8 bit)
6) In a 3 bit instruction middle bit is (operand ,operator n …………….)
7) Which of the following is IPv6 addressing?
8) In Which of the following layers SMTP is used?
9) About transport layer C h e t a n a S
10) To select records from a relation where primary key is ename and ename starts with “p”
11) Small c logical questions
12) Aptitude mostly from profit and loss
13) 1 heights and distance prob
14) 1 prob on true discount
15) Brouter is hybrid of?

About interview.
2 technical rounds the questions were:

First Technical (1 person)

1) Rate your self in C and DS and C++
2) About linked lists(programs)
3) About sorting (logic/Algorithim)
4) About Normalization.
5) Why do we need de-normalization?
6) What are bit fields in C?
7) Program of linear search and binary search Algo.

They might ask about the project be prepared.

2nd technical (A 2 member Panel)

1) C and Ds questions.(enum types)
2) Difference between structure and Union
3) Linked lists declarations.
4) Difference between C and Java(coz i mentioned Java in my resume)
5) Say Some thing about data structures
6) What r oops principles?
7) How does an OS manage memory?
8) About AWI(java)
9) Regarding garbage collection.
10) Can we clear memory explicitly?If so how? Write a statement for such an action.
11) exceptions
and many more.
HR Round

1) Difference between CSE and IT?
2) Why honeywell?
3) Package you desire?
4) Have you attended any other compnaies?
5) Family background?
6) Willingness to relocate and sign for bond?
7) Are you ready to work in Madurai
8) Highest position u desire for?

All the Best from Team.

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