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Hughes software system computer part B

> Here are some questions of Hughes software system computer part:-

Q.1 void x(char* a)
return 1;

Input string ‘a’ is assigned as AaBbCc , what is the output?


Q2 a question on digital gates ANS is OR gate.

Q3 what is the binary representation of 41.6785

Q4 if the precondition for a subroutine does not hold then

1.postcondition does not hold

2.postcondition may or may not hold

3. ?

4. ?

Q5. In java

1. java strings are mutable. And some other options on java strings
Q6. Void f(char *p)
p = (char*)malloc(6);
void main( )
char *p = "BYE";


Q7. A question on write through and write back algo.

Q8. What is concerned with transport layer.

Q9. A server can work with ip and ipx the server will determine to which protocol the incoming packet corresponds .

Q10. For which purpose dhcp is used ANS ip address

Q11 global variable defined as static will serve the purpose of —

Q12 Question on NFS ANS It uses the same semantics as Unix for file system

Q13. Program counter is incremented typically in which uses ANS fetch

Q14 NO of NULL pointers in a tree with n leaf nodes ANS N+1

Q15.thread take less time than process context Why? Ans. Address space is same.

Q.16 Which algo is best for sorting 10 elements?

Ans. 1> binary tree 2> selection 3> bubble 4> none

Q.17 a question on ICV(networking)

a) When A sends an ICV and message, B computes ICV , checks It with given ICV,and decodes Message
b) Similar other

Q.18 When server A sends a time request to server B, (time synchronization), and response becomes past, What does A do?
a) resets its own clock
b) resends time request again

Q.19 in public key encryption what does A do such that It is not visible to others?
a) A uses public key part of A
b) A uses private key part of A
c) A uses public key part of B
d) A uses private key part of B

Q.20 function dependency can be described as:

Q.21 q. on findind cyclometric complexity of the given program 1> 7 2>5 3> 4 4> 0

Q.22 Codd’s rule related to database

Q.23 path testing comes under
A) white box
B) black box

Q.24 when an ip address is not in the computer address resolution file

what does It do with that packet

a)Ignores It

c) sends It to default gateway

d) sends It to Ethernet server

Q.25 execution divided in different stages then this is called ANS:Pipelining

Q.26 in C the macros are
ANS. converted in to inline code during preprocessing

Q.27 X: verification means doing the right things Y: validation means doing things right
a) both true
b) both false
c) one true one correct

Q.28 void insert (key, r)
Keytype key, data
if (n>=max)

Which is best?
1> sequential search

Q.29 which is best for associative list searching?
1) single linked list
2) doubly linked list
3) hash table

Q.30 A question based on SQL ?

Q.31 which is not necessary condition for deadlock?
1> mutual exclusion
2> no preemption
3> is ANS.
4> Circular wait


==> 1. a processor has two level cache. Their access time (level1

and level2) is 100ns and 300ns respect. Memory access time is 1000ns$

==> ans is 140 (b)
==> 2.disk less server uses
==> a rarp
==> b arp
==> c ftp
==> d.telnet
==> ans rarp
==> 3.which one of them is not a client server
==> e-mail
==> telephone
==> webserver
==> and one more
==> ans is e-mail or telephone.
==> 4.Which one is used to represent operations
==> infix
==> postfix
==> binary tree
==> and one more
==> ans binary tree
==> qustion was on private key and public key.The quest. was if a wants to send a message to b that no one other that b should $
==> A private key
==> A public key
==> B private key
==> B public key
==> 6.compliers maintain
==> ans is symbol table

From Diwakar…

1) what a java interface not have ?
ans – instance variables

2) what is done with java code on a web-page
ans – downloaded and executed on ur pc

3) what is the order of deleting a node from a linked list given a ptr

to it

ans O(n) ( since u have to traverse the list to reach the prev.


3) what is RSA

4) how can A send a messageto B so that B knows its from A

ans A uses his private key so that B can use A’s public key

5) what is the best sort in worst case

ans heap sort

6) what is the given sorting

ans selection ( check it )

7) what can access protected memebers of a class

ans other classes of that program

8) what protocol is used by a machine to map an ip to hardware address

ans arp

9) what is the size of ipv6

ans 128 bits

10) what protocol has ping

ans icmp

11) how many keys are needed in symmetric and asymmetric crptography?

ans – i dont know

12) one on a right threaded tree

13) very easy k-map

ans i think its b)

14) very easy ckt

ans choice which has option : a&c are equivalent

15) what in unix doesnt have a fd

ans process ( this was the first ques ).

Regarding Hughes

paper they conducted two tests. Both were technical(no aptitude test).

First one was compulsory for everybody. In second one could opt for

electronics or computers. In all i suppose there were 50 questions.

I sent a request to my classmates to send me questions whatevery they

could recall. Till now only one person has responded. I am sending those

questions to you.

And just before interview you were supposed to fill up a performa which

they call Behavioural Test. This was to check you interpersonal skills and

socialising capabilities. Questions like – would you like to be elected

leaders of organising committees, do you like peoply express their agonies

to you, do you wish people be close to you type questions were repeated in

one and the other form.

Interview was technical as well as personal. CGPA did count – it seems.

They selected 8 people from here. BTW what’s your current CGPA and what’s

the strength of your class. Do they come for B.Tech and M.Tech separatel

as the case here is or it’s all at once.

Questions :

1.If a precondition of a sub routine fails then

a. post condition fails as well

b. Post condition may fail

c. post condition is declared but now defined.

2. whatz the o/p of the following program

char * a= “AabbCc”;

void x(char *a)


a[0] == 0 ? x(a+1):1;


return 1;



a. AaBbCc

b. cCbBaA

3. What is DHCP used for?

4. There are 2protocols IP and IPX are running on top of Ethernet. Suppose

a packet addressed to that Ethernet card arrives, to which protocol the

Ethernet sends the packet?

1. It checks the payload of the frame and finds out the protocol type and

despatches it to the right protocol

2. It fins out the protocol type that is mentioned in the Ethernet frame.

3. despatches to both the protocol

5. What is the use of global static variable in C?

6. In which stage of the compilation the Macro in C are converted into

Iline code? (this is not the exact Qn a slight variation of it)

7 In the IP/Ethernet network, a packet with destination address arrives and there is no entry for this address in the routing

table of the m/c? what does the m/c do about the packet

a. discards the packet.

b. Broadcasts into the Ethernet.

c. sends to default router

8. in Public key Encryption , if A wants to send a encrypted msg to B then

A encrypts the message with

a. A’s public key

2. A Pvt key

c. B’s public key

d. B’s Pvt key

9. consider the SQL statement “Create table New as select * from oldtable”

a. the sql stament is a correct one

b. New is reservd word there is an error

c. you can’t select anything while creating a table

10. By Codd’s defn for RDBMS whih one is not right?

options , I don’t remember

11. If X and Y are two attributes of a relation and 1 and 2 be any two

tuples in that relation

Y is functionally dependant on X iff (X->Y)

a. if (x1 == x2) then y1==y2

b. if (x1==y1) then x2 == y2

some other combinations

12.The normalization process

1.reduces the data redundancy

2.It reduces the inconsistency that arises due to the data redundancy
13. ((A nand A) nand (B Nand B)) = ?

a. A+B

The question was not exactly in this form. gates represented pictorially

14. what’s the purpose of flow control?

1. to control errors

. to control congestion the receiving end

3. to sequence the out of sequence packets

15. Which is false about Java strings

1. The are Null terminated

2. Set of Chars

3. The Condition checking == and = on a same pair of strings gives

different results.

16. When a java Applet is downloaded what does it do?

Don’t remember the options

it’s went something like this:

1. checks the magic number
17. Whats is the Cyclometic complexity of the following code

don’t remember the code exactly

Some more questions…


1:a machine A wants to set it’s time same as a a machine B

so it sends a packet to B and b sends reply.but the time on packet is over by the timete packet

reached A.A has to

a1:set the time on packet

b2:increment its time slowly so as to reduce deifference

c: send packets repeatedly till it gets a packet with time less tan the current time

2.which of the following protocols does not find mac address given internet address


b. rarp



3.when an java applet get’s downloaded what happens

a.the byte verifier checks the magic number




4.when A wants to send a mesg to B using Public key cryptography he uses

a.A’s public key

b.A’s private key

c.B’s public

d.B’s private does a string in java differ from that of c/c++ strings are mutable strings does not have a \0



6.given str=”AaBbCc”and a small c program

something like

a:b:( )

the program actually reverses the string recursively
7.some protocol SHDC

8.NFS server is similar to

a.provides similar sevices as unix

b.a file trans fer…..

c.just gets the file for reading..

d. address is to be located.the machine does not have

info about or 0r

so the DNS server willl now
a.discard the packet

b.send the mesg to a default server if available

c.send mesg to a DNS server if available


10.verification:”are u building the right product”

validation:”are we building the product right”

a.both are wrong(ans)

b.both are correct

c.first wrong second correct

d.first correct second wrong

11.A:”cohesion is a desirable property”

B:”cohesion means the property that the entire unit is one……”

a.both are correct

b.both are wrong

c.first wrong second correct

d.first correct second wrong
12:definition of functional dependency.

13:which of the following does not use extra memory


b.insertion sort sort

d.both b and c.

14:which of the following is better for ten elements

a.bubble sort

b.selection sort

c.quick sort

15.the memory reference time for cache is 100 ms and for memory is 1000ms

.the probalility of a hot is .9.the average memory access time is




16.a question on socket numbers

17there is an ordered binary tree and an index structure

a.we can use ordbintree without ordering

b.orb are used with ordering where as indexing canbe done without ordering

c.indexing uses extra memory


18.there is ethernet protocol and ethernetIPstack in MAC sublayer

when an address has to be found which is used

Some more questions:


A question on multi threading!

It has got a PC, register space kind of options.

A question on NFS.

a. doesn’t allow read.

b. it is just like Unix file system.

c. After the file is opened, the whole file os transferred to the client

d. there is no state information maintained.

What takes maximum time in a context switch.

a. saving registers.

b. address space switching.

c. flushing the TLB

d. getting the new process inside the memory.

1.If a precondition of a sub routine fails then

a. post condition fails as well

b. Post condition may fail

c. post condition is declared but now defined.

2. whatz the o/p of the following program

a. if (x1 == x2) then y1==y2

b. if (x1==y1) then x2 == y2

someother combinations

12.The normalization process

1.reduces the data redundancy

2.It reduces the inconsistency that arises due to the data redundancy
13. ((A nand A) nand (B Nand B)) = ?

a. A+B

The question was not exactly in this form. gates represented pictorilly

14. whtz the purpose of flow control?

1. to control errors

. to control congession the receiving end

3. to sequnce the out of sequence packets

15. Whic is false about Java strings

1. The are Null terminated

2. Set of Chars

3. The Condition checking == and = on a sme pair of strings gives

different results.

16. When a java Applet is downloaded what does it do?

Don’t remeber the options

it’s went something like this:

1. checks the magic nubmer

17. Whatz is the Cyclometic complexity of the following code

don’t remember the code exactly

Thaz all I rember.
1-N keys to be sorted using n space,which algo?

a. insertion

b. shell

c. both insertion and shell (ans)

d. quick

2-Heap doesn’t have following property ?

a. smallest element is at leaf

b. two elements cannot be the same. (ans)

c. height of heap is logn


3-searching time is min. in

a. Hash

4-To sort 10 values, which sort will you use ?

a. bubble (ans)

b. quick

c. binary tree

d. All the above

5-A has to send message toB

ans. A will use B’s public key

6-a ques on NAND gates (perhaps same as that in DCE)

a figure was given like

(A nand A ) nand (B nand B)

ans- A or B
7- F(char *p)










printf(“%s”, p);


ans- bye

8-In Asynchronous transmission

a) client sends a request and then waits for response….

b. client send a request and then continues with work without expecting a response

c. client sends a request and the continue with work and reacts

for the response when it comes (ans)


9-DHCP is

a. assigning IP addresses

10-Ethernet LAN has IP &IPX protocol at the network layer, a packet comes from some other host.

a. it will not give packet to any layer

b. it will check the data field in the frame for the protocol type and send it accordingly

c. it will check the protocol field for the protocol type and send the frame accordingly (ans)

11-verification:Are we building the right product?

Validation:are we building the product right?

Ans. Both are wrong.
12- Normalisation

char *p=”AaBbCc”

int x(char*p)


p[0] ? x(a+1):1;


return 1;


ans cCbBaA

14-in line expansion of macros happens in preprocessing stage of compiler

15-when is Write through is better from write back in terms of cache.

a. single cache less instructions (ans)

16. if the compiler gives static allocation for a program then which is not possible

a. Dynamic binding

b. Recursion (ans)

c. Indirect address loaction

d. Direct address location
17-which of the following will have minimum thread switching overhead;

a. INET domain sockets

b. UNIX domain sockets

c. shared memory variables (ans)


18-what is the cyclometric complexity of the following code

if(x==0 or y==o)












a. 3

b. 4

c. 7d Noneof these

19-41.6375->convert into binary

20-binary tree has how many null pointers ptrs

a. n

b. n+1 (ans)

c. 2n
21- No of comparisons in the worst case in Merge sort

a. 2n

b. 2n-1 (ans)

c. 2n-2

d. 2n+1

22-path testing

a. black box

b. white box(ans)

23. Which of the following is true for NFS.

a. It is stateless. (ans)

24-ICV ques

25- A client wants to synchronise it clock with the server over

TCP but the reply packet send time that is already past then what will it do

a. Client will immediately set its clock to the recieved time

b. Client will ignore the reply.

c. Client will repeatedly send the time requests till the time received is longer than its clock.

26-How control in tCP is when

ans congestion …..

27- In order to have a assembly language procedure reentrant what will be done.

28-program counter incremented in which stage.


29-ordered binary tree & hash -which is better

30-time server

31-why does dram need refreshing periodically.

a. it contains flip flops

b. its charge gets depleted due to memory read

c. its charge gets leaked (ans)

32- some insert algoritms given like





where is it used.

a. binary search

b. interpolating search

c. sequential search

33- In context switching which of the phases takes longer time

a. flushing the translation lookaside buffer

b. swapping out the process to the disk

c. saving the registers

d. loading the new process from the disk (ans)

34- the use of static declaration for external variables

a. localising scope (ans)


35- .If a precondition of a sub routine fails then

a. post condition fails as well

b. Post condition may fail

c. post condition is declared but now defined.

d. post condtion never fails (ans)

36 9. consider the SQL statement “CREATE TABLE NEW AS SELECT * FROM EMP”

a. the sql statement is a correct one (ans)

b. New is reserved word there is an error

c. you can’t select anything while creating a table

d. NEW should have been in quotes
37- If X and Y are two attributes of a relation and 1 and 2 be any two

tuples in that relation

Y is functionally Dependant on X iff (X->Y)

a. if (x1 == x2) then y1==y2 (ans)

b. if (x1==y1) then x2 == y2

some other combinations

38- Whic is false about Java strings

1. The are Null terminated (ans)

2. Set of Chars

3. The Condition checking == and = on a sme pair of strings gives

different results.

39- When a java Applet is downloaded what does bytecode verifier do

a. checks the magic nubmer (ans)

b. checks the bytecode whether it has been written properly


40- given a domain name which of the following does not find the IP address

a. /etc/hosts

b. ARP (ans)



41- an packet for address is to be sent.the machine does not have

info about or 0r so what will be done

a.discard the packet

b.send the mesg to a default gateway if available (ans)

c.send mesg to a DNS server if available


42- A:”cohesion is a desirable property”

B:”cohesion means the property that the entire unit is one……”

a.both are correct (ans)

b.both are wrong

c.first wrong second correct

d.first correct second wrong

43- the memory reference time for cache is 100 ms and for memory is 1000ms

.the probability of a hot is .9.the average memory access time is





44- what do you use when you want to have different phases of instruction

to get executed in different units

a. pipeline (ans)

45- By Codd’s rules for RDBMS whih one of following is not right?

a. null values r not defined

b. Integrity constraints are placed in separate files (ans)

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