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L&T infotech paper

This is N.K.Arun final year first sem EEE. L&T INFOTECH visited our college on 21st July. Out of 1575 students from different colleges only 304 students were short listed after written test. prepare RSAGGARWAL

Both Aptitude and Reasoning by R.S.GUHA. For Verbal the passage given in the paper will be very easy. Make sure that you get 5 out of 5. try to prepare words beginning with letters a,p,s,r,t,c.from high frequency words of barrons.

After written test they may conduct just a minute (JAM) or gd it depends on number of students qualifying the written test. Be confident and choose non technical topics (if asked to do so). some of students were asked to change their topics so prepare 2 or 3 topics

After JAM we were asked to come to RVR and JC College Guntur. In the technical interview I was asked the following questions

tell me about your self
Rate your self on C language
a=79, a+=a what will be the output
what is your favourite subject
what is transfer curve
what are ideal characteristics of amplifier
what is dft, fft. which is faster which one is the basic. which one is derived.
when you switch off fan it does not stop quickly but when you switch off grinder it stops immediately. why
why do we require fourier analysis

Results of technical interview will be announced within 15 min.

In HR round I was asked to take my seat. HR madam was cool and friendly.

How is the day for you?
I said excellent

MAM:”EXCELLENT” what part of the day was excellent
ME: Just now when the technical results were announced

MAM :Tell me about your self
ME: I was bookish during school days and told an incident that turned my life

She asked how could you achieve it
ME:Due to hard work and encouragement of my parents
and then during my college life i visited many industries and presently member of the student club mind gym.

MAM: what are your contributions to the club. i answered well

MAM:What are days of week.
ME:mon, tue……sun
MAM:How would say two consecutive days with out actually naming them
MAM: How many companies did you attend previously
MAM: How many students are there in your class where do you stand

MAM:We want you to place in Chennai instead of Hyderbad. I said no problem, in Mumbai I said no problem. Ok thank you please call the next person.


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