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Mphasis Paper-Placement Paper

My name is ARJUN B.N I got selected to “Mphasis” an “EDS”(electronic data segments) company. I would like to tell u about the selecton process

There are basically two rounds
1. Aptitude
2. GD

There r two versions of q _paper version 3 and version 4
The round 1 is an aptitude round it consists of 4 sections
1. English(10 q)
2. Quantitative(20 q)
3. Logical(20 q)
4. Technical(20 q)

For version 3 refer previous paper of Mpahsis few questions are repeated…

Version 4 (no questions r repeated). different questions..

1. English consists of relations like
Eg… Carpenter:saw and there r four options..
Its preferable to refer rs agg verbal book….
Sorry cant remember the rest.. 10q (be careful all options r very tricky).

2. Quantitaive is tough in version 3.. version 4 moderate
people who have mastered rs agg quantitative apt for them its just a cake walk..
questions r from pipes, trains, ages, percentage..
queries from G.R.E is also asked..

3. Logical is bit easy its mathematics…calculations… its easy refer r.s agg its enough..

4. Technical is just a cake walk just 10 min is sufficient both version 3 and 4 are easy..
questions r like
1.more on size of() operator(5 q).
2.increment, decrement.
3.static… Scopes

All 20 questions are on C and its very easy.. Its preferable to start with this section first…..

2. Its bit tough for those people who have stage fear because here each person is asked to come individually on stage and speak on a topic which is assigned randomly.. so go with preparation.. its for two min.. they see ur fluency and body language.. and more vital confidence…

Topics are like
1.indian culture is declining
2.movies breed crime.
3.hype about harry potter. warming. in shopping complex. women president..etc..

The people of Mphasis r very cool they don’t attack u so don’t panic… Since there was lack of time we didn’t have technical so its better u people be prepared.. out of 400 people 74 were shotlisted…

About the company : as far as I have heard its best for a fresher to start his carrier its an eds company about eds it’s a gaint they have branches all over the world (64 countries). Its an mnc its main branch is in north America.. they r the best in outsourcing no.5 in the world.. so don’t panic it’s the best… And about package its 2.5 and 50 bonus at the year end.. So totally 3..

(Paper Submitted By : Priya)
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