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Perot systems pattern & interview

Students with 68% with no back papers appeared for the test. from 61, 18 were cleared aptitude and 10 got placed. Fortunately I was one of them.


Section 1 – 10 que 1 mark each. to find the next number, to find the missing number.
– 15 que 1 mark each. aptitude (R.S .Agarwal)

Section 2 – 10 que 2 marks each. Data Sufficiency problems (R.S.Agarwal -verbal)

Section 3 – 10 que 5 marks each. based on C. to write the output of some codes and flow chart

English   – 25 que to fill up with correct tenses. (it was very simple)
All these were easy. i clr test.

Technical Interview was ok. As i am an EC student, Sir asked me if he should ask Digital or C. I opted C. He asked simple que and prgms. I did courses on  V.B and DBMS. He asked abt my project in VB. I cleared Tech and went for H.R

As Tech was ok, I expected that H.R will be an easy one. But it went against my expectations (only personal que). The first que was abt the Diff b/w DBMS and RDBMS. Then (2 sir) they asked abt some topics in VB and ORACLE. I heard it for the first time. I was shocked and told them I only begin the course (actually i completed). After few que they started asking abt my family and from my resume. they told me to wait for the results

When the results came I was selected.

Best of luck for all.