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Syntel Placement Paper

2003 Syntel Placement paper Please go through and prepare.

There were three sections:
1.verbal 25 ques – 15 min.. ( after verbal ur question paper will be collected back)
2.quants (26 – 70) 30 min
3.Analytical ( 71- 100) 30 min

Total l:100 ques 75 min

They gave section II first..
it was very easy but only thing is u ve to solve it very fastly..there was a cutoff of 23/ is verbal part

section 1: Verbal – u have 4 ques on sentence error u have to identify.
4 ques on fill the blank
find the odd word out:eg abase,aberration,..
5 analogy crest:wave,INTIMIDATE : FEAR ::,open:secretive,..
again sentence error, analogy and fill in the blank..
the easiest section cutoff13/25

section 2: quants ( work out problems form Quantitative aptitude by R.S Aggarwal blue color book)
u can answer if u work on this it .
u have to work very fast.. u will not have time to complete the section..
some ques on Series completion..percentages, Ages etc..
so my advice is do some grp work with ur friends ..

section3: logical reasoning.
seating arrangement problem- 2
books arrangement problem -1
relation ship prob-1
4 ques on coding..(identify the error )easay one..(no the alphabet ) it ll be easy..
4 ques on series completion not numbers but English alb..
question on flow chart.. very very important section..-ans(X=17) Qn is something like x=11 to 19 (prime no) then y=X+X,
p=x*y ,
if 338
print q ans is 17
its better to solve from last qn in this section and finally do the arrangement problems..cutoff is 15

note: u need to get min 60% in each get shortlisted for interview..

hope this will help u..

Interview was purely HR for me.. tell me abt urself, hobbies..will u b able to relocate at pune/mumbai..thats it

out of 90+ freshers 11 got shortlisted.. for the interview.

The selection process overview is as follows..

Te aptitude consisted of three sections..
1) quantitative of 45 questions,the cutoff being 23
2) reasoning 25 qs cutoff 15
3) verbal test of 25 qs cutoff 13

the verbal section had few fill ups, and little bit of synonyms. the words for this part was from GRE Barron’s.

All the test questions were similar to the ones I found here on this


the interview was personal. qs like tell me about yourself, your family, education, etc. and we were asked to write a c program. simple ones like factorial, prime no..etc..
few people were also asked about their projects. almost all of us were asked to talk for three minutes about any nontechnical topic.

It seemed that once you clear the apti, they were mainly checking your confidence. The confidence to communicate and talk well seemed to be more important than a flawless english speech. This might have been particular to the recruitment team that came to myinstitution.

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