sapient pattern
The test contained 3 questions: 1. design a class diagram or date model for this problem: A company has some clients and some officers. Also it has some rooms to be used for meetings...
Sapient Placement Papers
The test contained 3 questions: 1. design a class diagram or date model for this problem: A company has some clients and some officers. Also it has some rooms to be used for meetings...
marks of the students is given, U have to calculate the percentile of the students aaccording to this rule: the percentile of a student is the %of no of student having marks less then...
2. You can use any language but ( java , c++ preferable) 3. Do not write any input function or main function. 4.Please complete feed back form 5.Make required assumption. 6.Do write comment where...
that plans, designs, implements, and manages information technology to improve business performance for Global 2000 clients. Sapient was founded in 1991 based on a single promise: to deliver the right business results on time...
Hello I had attended sapient test on 19/05/2006 in Bangalore for 1+ year experience The test paper We had two parts partA and part B—- PartA: spend 40 min here We are developing a...
Written ——– 1) Write a program for the problem: the array of integers indicating the marks of the students is given, U have to calculate the percentile of the students according to this rule:...
Sapient Placement Test TEST 1 part 1. They gave a Java Program to convert the numeric to Words, and there was a bug in it. we have to solve it and give the comments....