sapient pattern 11 may 2007
Hope this helps you get thru Siemens.. Eligibility Criteria 1. 60% aggr in BE and 65% aggr for MCA 2. NO BACKS allowed We had three rounds 1 Written test 2 Technical round 3...
Siemens Placement Papers
Hope this helps you get thru Siemens.. Eligibility Criteria 1. 60% aggr in BE and 65% aggr for MCA 2. NO BACKS allowed We had three rounds 1 Written test 2 Technical round 3...
Criteria: 55% or above, no live ATKT Total students Appeared : 30 Selected After Aptitude :11 Selected Finally : 4 The selection procedure was as follows : 1. Aptitude Test 2. Technical Interview 3....
1. Which of following operator can’t be overloaded. a) == b) ++ c) ?! d) <= 2. For the following C program #include<iostream.h> main() {printf(“Hello World”);} The program prints Hello World without changing main()...
The test is followed by a Technical and a HR interview.The technical interview is highly specialised and covers almost all subjects you have done in your curriculum. However one is required to name his/her...
I attended the test n got selected 25 qns Tech n 25 qns Quant. 0.25 negative marking cut off is 8 and 12 respectively time limit 35 min. Round -1 : Technical 1. A...
THIS PAPER CONSISTS 6 PARTS. all are multiple choice q’s 1) General 2) C/Unix 3) C++/motif 4) Database 5) X-windows 6) MS-windows We have written q’s not acc. to each 50. q’s. time...
THIS PAPER CONSISTS 6 PARTS. all are multiple choice q’s 1)general 2)c/unix 3)c++/motif 4)database 5)x-windows 6)ms-windows we have written q’s not acc. to each 50. q’s. time is sufficient. if u have basic...