100 questions for two hours. 50*2mark = 100 mark 50*1mark = 50 mark. and negative mark of 0.25. for example: zambio process, orphan process, race conditions, ipc in real time system, daemon process and...
Calsoft Placement Papers
100 questions for two hours. 50*2mark = 100 mark 50*1mark = 50 mark. and negative mark of 0.25. for example: zambio process, orphan process, race conditions, ipc in real time system, daemon process and...
Here is the pattern of Calsoft exam which i attended on 24 th july 2005. In the call letter it was said that there will be technical exam for two hours. But shockingly i...
Pattern: DBMS = 15 questions. Networks = 5 questions.
Date:08-October-2006 CALSOFT (chennai) Duration:60 mints BBB (0.25 negative mark for objective questions) Pattern: Analytical-12 questions Basic concepts of c\os(13)(not sure in nos..) Basic concepts of networking(15) Subjective(10)
These are not exact questions. these are the ones that I remembered. In DBMS most of the questions from SQL syntax Data structure questions are simple like what is the sorting algorithm with less...